Newborn sessions are simply divine for me. Not only do I get to spend time with a little baby and soak up lots of baby cuddles, but I get to meet families at such a special time in life. It is in those first few weeks since they met the new little life they created. An intoxicating mix of hormones, new-ness and excitement all whilst swimming in a sea of love. This love is something I can see right in front of me but it is also something I can feel. I become swept along in the tide and join them. I get goose bumps at those sweet little moments and tear up at just how damn special it all is. I make no apologies for the people that have cried a tear of joy at my studio.
On this day there were many beautiful moments for these 2 gorgeous new parents and Mum wept a little tear – a tear of joy as she could see exactly what I could see unfolding right before us. We were witnessing a Dad breath in his newborn Son, wrap him in love and adore everything about him.