Last year was the first time I had ever attempted a Photo-a-day project and it was hard work but very rewarding. This year I did it again. I want these images to record my children at this age and stage, their interests, their abilities, their relationship with each other, so often these images are not about the outing of the day or the people we saw, they are about the downtime, the boring, the quiet, the real. Come and journey with me and my little family through our January
Happy New Year – and here begins my photo-a-day for January recording the everyday that represents my family and my kids at this age.
Wishing you all a wonderful 2016 – I hope all your dreams and wishes come to fruition!
DAY 2: Lego… still! This image reminds me of this time last year. Master 5 goes through fazes with lego and with a big haul of new sets from Xmas he is obsessed.
Day 3: This photo has nothing to do with my Miss 8 being engrossed in her lego for the first time in forever and only because her brother is. It’s got everything to do with those elastic bands around her wrist. It’s her thing. The must have accessory. I don’t quite understand. I think that’s the point!
Day 4: My little dancer getting her groove on with ‘Just dance’. We have dance-offs…. and I always come out second best.
Day 5: My little guy cooks with me often. It’s been a process and a half to get him to eat well, something we are still working on, and many years ago I began involving him most nights in cooking dinner. If he tasted something as we cooked I was cheering. He’s much more open to trying new foods now and is pretty nifty with a knife
Day 6: I had a picturesque morning planned. Head to the local pond where we saw some little tadpoles the other day and try and catch a few. This will be fun I thought, what an adventure I thought, the things childhoods are made of. Lots of complaining from one and frustration from the other. Ah the memories, fun times ;(
Day 7: They are playing busily together. I love this when it happens. There are cupboards opening, things being dragged around outside, negotiations, discussion, excitement and giggles. I find them creating an iMovie together. Each with a rather ridiculous costume. When I watch it, it’s actually a well thought out little role play. Love your random outfit little guy!
Day 8: My little netballer!
Day 9: Yes mate, I think it’s all gone. If only he could survive on ice-cream alone
Day 10: Obsessed with dance and acro. So glad she is doing some formal dance lessons again this year for the first time in years. An amazing sense of rhythm, insane flexibility and quite the little choreographer
Day 11: “Mum look how high I can jump”. So bummed I chopped off his hands but I didn’t expect him to go that high… and then he was off, no repeat here. Love it though, reminds me of his excitement and the audible ‘urgh’ as he jumped. Poor couch has a hard life
Day 12: It’s 4 months away from your birthday but it’s on your mind. Sorting through candles and making party plans. Today, the wait was too much and you made a sand cake. Found all the things to make the shapes you wanted yourself and set to work. Love it when you are busy
Day 13: We haven’t done this in a while but you felt the urge to clean your feet in the sink today. Way more fun than any conventional means. (note: no dish clothes were used in the making of this photo ha ha). I love this image for all the other photos of you in the kitchen sink it reminds me of.
Day 14: Someone has discovered the food network and their love of cooking. Smelling, tasting, creating…. and edible!
Day 15: Spag bol is always more fun with your hands!
Day 16: I wonder what you are pondering in this moment
Day 17: Aww 2 snuggly kiddies on the couch. Haven’t seen this in a while
Day 18: All the colours of the rainbow and you choose black???
Day 19: I used to love a cubby as a kid. Amazing the fun to be had under a sheet held up by chairs…. or in this case a quiet zone for this very tired kid to chill out
Day 20: Operation – ‘Kids veggie patch’ preparation is in full swing. A place to grow their own herbs and veggies. I can see this being short lived but Master 5 does love a project so we shall see!
Day 21: Lets get those kids to work. Its funny the things we must do ritualistically before we have guests… because when we do them the kids suddenly ask “who’s coming over?”
Day 22: Gotta love it when stickers are still valuable currency! These fun little moustache stickers made for quite an entertaining morning. Slap stick/charlie chaplin/mr bean carry on. Quite funny
Day 23: Far too much time spent acting, singing, hair and makeup-ing in front of the mirror. This photo does make me stop for a moment though as I can just so easily imagine her as a 16 year old standing there.
Day 24: When you can’t get together for a play, second best option is a FaceTime chat with a pal
Day 25: We have a very special couple to thank on this day. For the past 7 years they have had one of my kiddies one day a week for me. Not only has it been the most amazing logistical help, it has enabled the most amazing relationship with this couple who have become their third set of Grandparents. Now as Master 5 heads off to school next week, we will have to get our fix with after school visits and special play dates because he just isn’t going to survive a week without seeing them. Delivering a big bunch of flowers we arranged together and a very, very long thank you letter.
Day 26: Happy Australia Day. Bathtime after a big day out with friends. Fake tats are becoming a tradition
Day 27: “You are under arrest”. A friendly game of cops and robbers. This is going to end in tears
Day 28: So much love! This image is just special for me. Long story but it’s special
Day 29: Dinner must have a menu tonight. Not one menu but 5 menu’s that couldn’t possibly be the same and pasta is to be known by the invented name of ‘brocola’ tonight… just because
Day 30: Foot fight! Lazy mornings on the couch in pjs this weekend!
Day 31: The night before my little guy’s first day at school. He’s just so excited so they both tried on their uniforms just for fun. Bag is packed and all set. I hope this excitement doesnt wear off by the morning!
Note: I can’t believe how well school drop went, he was buzzing with excitement, mesmerised by his teacher, got hugs from kindy pals, unpacked all his own gear and got busy with some paper cutting! Just having a quiet coffee digesting what just unfolded. Some crazy mixed emotions
And for those who might want to have a nosey at last years here is my photo-a-day 2015. As I was doing 2016 I was remembering images from the previous year and realised how so many were similar and loved that it was going to be a great point of comparison. They look so little – I can’t believe the change