What a darling little girl. Quite possibly the most super-chillaxed parents. I wish I had taken a leaf out of their book. So much love floating about in the studio this day. It was contagious
Cocoon Photography Studio - Adelaide Newborn, Pregnancy & Family Photographer
Newborn snuggles, chubby bubbas, gorgeous Mums-to-be & sweet little families. Connections. Beautiful moments. Life stories. Memory making - Adelaide
What a darling little girl. Quite possibly the most super-chillaxed parents. I wish I had taken a leaf out of their book. So much love floating about in the studio this day. It was contagious
2 Spots available only – Must be held during January 2015 on a Tuesday or Wednesday to receive this special discount.
This course is designed to equip you with some basic skills to get you started. You do not have to have any previous experience using Photoshop.
We work through the tools you need to know, tips and tricks, then work on your own custom built project so you gain experience specific to how you plan to use the application.
For more info go to www.cocoonstudio.com.au/learn/learn-photoshop or for the full course outline and specific details please email me.
Well, I can finally share this with you all – My new ‘Cocoon Studio’ logo. This has been a long time coming and I have been desperate to share it since May whilst the new website was being designed and built.
Lauren from Funky Chicken Design has created this gorgeous hand illustrated cocoon and incorporated it into a whole new look and a brand new website. Not only has she been wonderful to work with, her interpretation of my brief was perfect.
New Website
I would also like to welcome you to my new website
Full of so much more information and fresh new images. Head on over and take a squiz! Let me know what you think.
I am loving that this blog is now incorporated into the website and now has the feature to add your own comments and facebook ‘like’ right there!
A special thanks to Simon and the crew at Three AM Design for their amazing work in bolting this site together. Every request fulfilled, schedule kept and miracles performed. Thanks so much guys.
Newborn Journey – Behind the scenes
I am also ridiculously excited to show you all this little video piece – a behind the scenes look at the journey a little baby and their parents take when they come in and join me for a Newborn Session.
Pop on your music and check it out over on you tube and leave a comment if you wish. Can also be found throughout the website where you see this ‘Newborn Journey’ symbol.
Music by Decoder Ring – Heidi’s Theme (love that piece of music)
I really can’t believe the level in interest in my ‘Learn’ courses. I am really enjoying sharing a bit of what I know with people who want to know where to start. I have received such wonderful feedback from people during and after the courses – a true compliment as it shows me that what I am talking about and demonstrating, is making sense and sinking it.
“I really enjoyed the learn course and I put it into use on Sunday taking concert photos without flash in a dark environment that turned out looking really good by using manual settings! I was really excited my photos are soooo much better now! Thankyou very much as you made it a warm and friendly environment and very descriptive and easy to understand.” – Mary
There will be one more ‘Learn how to take photos of those you love’ course for 2012. Strictly limited to max 10 people as this means people feel comfortable asking questions and allows me to tailor the course to the attendees. Places in these courses are often pre-sold before the dates are released as those who really want to attend one but can’t make the current dates, then reserve a spot for the next. So, if these dates don’t work – let me know and put your name down on the shortlist for 2013 courses – you will be notified of the new dates before they are made public as it is first in best dressed and places are strictly limited. See dates and schedule below.
I have been asked to also offer a course in Photoshop – so here it is. An intro to the basics required to enhance your photos, make them pop and some tips for simple retouching. Small class size so you can work on your own images. Max of 4 per class. See dates and schedule below.
For full course outline and further details – please email me on anita@cocoonstudio.com.au
New course dates